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作者: 聚培训句子 时间:08-26


You think you are happy if you are happy. Happiness and unhappiness are in your own heart.


If you laugh once, I can be happy for days; but if you cry once, I will be sad for years.


Now eating lollipops is not to hide sadness, but to taste the joy of childhood again.


If you think too much, you will only get stuck in a quandary and make things worse that are actually not bad.


Not that I pretended to forget the melody in the middle of the song, but that the rhymers were too delicate to describe Wei and Shu.


The vision of the present, the ideal of the future, they can always meet at a corner of life.


Kite stranded in cloudy day, missing is still waiting for rescue, I pulled the line to review the tenderness you gave.


Don't deceive yourself, a person loves you or doesn't care about you, you feel it.


It's better to have a hand to wipe your tears when you fail than to have a hand to applaud when you succeed.


Happiness is to truly enjoy the gifts of life, so as to taste the truth of life.


Happiness will not always be waiting for you, love you and your loved ones are not always available, please learn to cherish.


Whether the shoes of love are hard to pinch or warm and comfortable, outsiders really have no room for interruption.


It's hard to get together. We are confident that we will be happy if we don't know the depth of life.


Love and being loved are both things that make people happy. Don't let these things become pains.


Since love, why don't you say it? Some things are lost and never come back!


Happiness always exists in the uneasy pursuit of human beings, not in harmony and stability.


Happy life needs three kinds of postures: light to the past, cherish the present, and believe in the future.


He who knows how to give up, he who knows how to sacrifice, and he who is happy knows how to transcend.


Happiness is a feeling, it does not depend on people's living conditions, but on people's mentality.


Happiness is wisdom, success and success; charitable donation, fearless giving; saving people in fire and water.


We dare not miss the places where we have had good memories or good experiences. It is not inseparable, but reluctant.


When I think of you when I am happy, I am twice as happy; when I think of you when I am in pain, my pain is half less!


Love is a game that turns a pair of strangers into a couple and a couple into a stranger.


Love, like leaves, is green in human neglect and buds in patience.


This is a flower house full of cactus. I stood for a long time with a balloon called Happiness.


Love is an unpredictable person who longs for everything but is dissatisfied with almost everything.


Happiness has neither tomorrow nor yesterday. It does not miss the past or look forward to the future. It has only the present.


Love until it hurts. And then forever. Sorry, even if you can't feel me.


The best husband is a husband who makes his wife rich and splendid. The best lover comes with you, and besides.


Love is the history of a woman's life, but only an episode in a man's life.


If emotions and years can also be gently torn apart and thrown into the sea, then I would like to be silent on the bottom of the sea from now on.


Although the joy of love is sweet, it can only survive where glory and virtue exist.


The first thing to wake up every day is to spend ten minutes thinking of you, so I will have more motivation.


What is a happy life? It's when you see the first touch of green in your eyes in spring and feel the warm breeze blowing through your hair curtain.


When faced with happiness, people suddenly become timid. It takes more courage to seize happiness than to endure pain.


Happiness is not the past that we miss, nor the future that we are chasing, but the present that we have.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world.


Don't let happiness wait too long, don't let possession become regret; we will never pass through here again.