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作者: 聚培训句子 时间:08-26


On graduation photos, there is no bright smile from us. Because we are going to be separated.


Separation is temporary, and sharing life is eternal. Separation breeds love and makes our love more intense.


I am not always reluctant to let you go, but always want to see your smile and listen to your laughter.


Time flies so fast that I can't feel its speed. Nothing can catch up with it.


Think of the same dormitory, after graduation, they go their own way, heart is really reluctant to give up. Classmate, the future is cherished.


In the blink of an eye, there are only a few days left to separate. After that, it may be recalled or missed. If there is a chance, it may also be met.


How many memories have we had in the maple forest with red leaves? The fluttering maple leaves bring us into an incomparably beautiful realm.


College life is colorful, but it's just a harbor in your voyage; the content of your life is conquest beyond the harbor.


On that day, we graduated and worked hard towards our own goals, so that we would not intersect like that parallel line in the end.


Another year after graduation. Brother, alienation is the distance between us, inseparable from the friendship between us!


I dare not tell you I love you before graduation, because I am afraid you will ignore me after graduation, because I am afraid we will become more unfamiliar.


My classmates who have been with me for four years are going to be separated now. It hurts me to think about it.


Today, we are close classmates; tomorrow, we will be competitors. May friendship deepen in competition.


The sadness of leaving after graduation. Boarding and leaving each other. A sad station. A stop sign galloping past.


Thank you to all the students who have been in the University for the past three years. I will remember it all my life.


White waves offer you flowers, sunshine embraces you, seagulls say goodbye to you, ah, the sea of life sets sail with your young boat.


To graduate, the thought of not seeing those sweet dimples, the heart inexplicably lost.


No matter how long the future is, please cherish every moment of meeting; no matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are forever friends.


No more words are needed between each other. At this moment, just a tight hug is enough.


I have a heart to belong to. Even if I live alone, I don't drift with the tide. I have the beauty of a negative prince. Goodbye is still a friend.


We don't cry after graduation. But the tears of contention came down.


Graduated, we said a happy departure, but the day the tear was not obedient flowed down.


Some people even say that love will fade away when they are apart, but the things they love will taste sweeter when they are not available.


How I wish you could stay, that thousand words into a reluctant, all in this silence, but that is impossible.


Next summer, the classroom will be full again. Unfortunately, it will not be us anymore.


At half past one, I jumped up and forgot to go to school. I didn't realize that I had graduated until I washed my teeth.


Looking at the empty dormitories and cabinets, I always feel what I have left behind. I have left behind my thoughts for you.


There will always be one or two people who will rob you of the lenses you've worked so hard to prepare.


Meetings and farewells, sails and offshore, is the end of past joy, the beginning of future happiness.


Friends, goodbye! Friends, treasure! Running water is in a hurry, years are in a hurry, only support is in my heart forever.