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作者: jmd123 | 时间: 2019-01-14 | 投稿



Friday, November 17 rain

The door into the canteen, choke back hunger, we would like to stop, a neat row of the team, sang Song, resonant voice, singing as waves for a while than for a while, better than consecutive day, all morale, singing singing, it never send me, can not help but like to play a simple melody songs , in love with the language of the barracks in particular. He sang, I think he is one of the glorious fighters.






The day we were looking forward to came at last--a week's military training began.

During the training, each of us did his (her) part in earnest. We drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time.

In the blazing① sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn't wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were tanned.② We felt happy and proud of it .

Our platoon③ officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs.

The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We'll never forget it.





