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作者: williamlok | 时间: 2019-02-27 | 投稿


On 7 September morning in waters off the diaoyu islands a boat carrying 15 crew members of a Chinese fishing boat was the Japanese coast guard patrol ship collision, after Japan's Okinawa ishigaki summary court approval detained the Chinese captain 10 days time.I don't know what are others opinion on it, but I do only one.Diaoyu island has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times, no matter now or in the future, it belongs to China.And we are walking in Chinese fishermen catch fish, not to mention first right and wrong that is we Chinese family, when it's your turn to intervene in Japanese.Japan's mouth to say you diaoyu island belongs to Japan really is a proverb.From the sino-japanese sino-japanese war to invade China war which one is not your first fight, only now China has changed.It is no longer in those days that is known as the "sick man of Asia" of small, now China is growing, if someone wants to invade our territory we will not compromise.Today, from the tang dynasty monk jianzhen hard-won china-japan friendship relations, not just because the diaoyu islands event damaged one thousand years of friendly relations between China and Japan.Once the war between China and Japan, now, no matter what the outcome will break the peace.

So I hope that Japan can properly deal with the incident, don't be penny wise and pound foolish.


9月7日的上午在钓鱼岛海域一艘载有15名船员的中国渔船被日本海上保安厅巡逻船冲撞,后日本冲绳县石垣简易法院批准拘留中国船长10天时间。我不 知道别人对此是什么看法,但是我对此的看法就只有一个。钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分,不论现在还是未来,它都属于中国。而我们中国的渔民在钓 鱼行走,先且不说对与错那都是我们中国人的家事,何时轮到你们日本人来插手。你们日本人口口声声称钓鱼岛原属于日本真可谓是千古笑谈。从甲午中日战争到侵 华战争哪一次不是你们先挑起事端,只是现在的中国已今非昔比了。它不再是当年的那个被称为“东亚病夫”的小国,而今的中国正在日益发展,如果有人想侵犯我 们的领地我们决不妥协。从唐朝的鉴真东渡到今天,中日友好关系来之不易,不能仅仅因为钓鱼岛事件就破坏中日千百年来的友好关系。一旦中国与日本开战,不论 胜负如何,都会打破和平。




In fact, since the ancient times, the diaoyu islands belong to China, is indispensable to China's territory.But why the Japanese force for your own?I always don't understand, but could not find the answer, I have been puzzled, what is their territory occupied by others, to submit to humiliation, don't ask, what is our tradition to the maximum, or weak?A collision occurs near the diaoyu islands, it beats hard in that area in addition to our pu fish, no troops?Why in your place, but also being seized for no reason?

Actually now thinking about these problems, also very entanglements.Economic sanctions, but we can take this huge consumption country, China to curb Japan imports and consumption of the product.Enough to lead to its economic paralysis.Cause enroach on foreign territory country will become the object of being spit on.China refuels!

其实自古以来,钓鱼岛就属于中国,是中国不可或缺的领地。可是为什么偏偏被日本人强行的占为己有呢?我一直都不明白,也没有找到答案,我一直疑惑不解,为 什么自己的领土被别人侵占,还要忍气吞声,不闻不问,这到底是把我们的传统发挥到极致,还是懦弱?撞船是发生在钓鱼岛附近,难倒在那片海域除了我们辛勤的 浦鱼人,就没有驻军吗?为什么在自己的地盘,还要无缘无故的被别人抓走?

其实现在在想这些的问题的时候,也很纠结。但是我们可以采取经济制裁,中国这个庞大的消费国家,去遏制日本产品的进口和消费。足以导致其经济瘫痪。无故侵害外国领土的国家将成为被人唾弃的对象。 中国加油!