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作者: dawulidong | 时间: 2019-06-21 | 投稿


Cockroaches are the insects that frighten me the most. I wasn\'t afraid of them before but now I can\'t stand them. It started when I was sleeping one day and smelled a disgusting odor. I discovered a dead cockroach under my body and its eggs on my pillow! I almost died! I jumped off my bed at once and took a bath quickly. The experience made me hate cockroaches. What I find most disgusting is when I see a cockroach fly around the room. I\'m always afraid that they m1ght land on me. Hearing the sound of its wings makes me nervous and afraid. Cockroaches pose a threat to our daily lives. A dirty environment will attract many cockroaches and this may threaten our health. They pollute food and water and bring many illnesses such as dysentery and skin diseases. I can\'t help shivering at the sight of them.

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