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作者: zoushuang555 | 时间: 2019-07-29 | 投稿


Whn I was vry young th sky in my homtown was nic and bautiful th sky was vry bluand th air was frsh. Thr wr som birds singing and thr wr many trs in th filds. I oftn playd with my frinds in th opn air.I likd it.


Now th popl ar rich but th sky in my homrown isn\'t blu .th trs wr cut down and thr arn\'t many birds. And th air isn\'t frshr than bfor. Th rubbish is put hr and thr it was bad for our halth.So wo must do somthing to protct th nvironmnt. If w mak a contribution to protcting th nvironmntth sky will bcom much mor bautiful.

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