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China and foreign英语作文

作者: wuming613 | 时间: 2020-01-15 | 投稿

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. Peoplewill refer to the clock in the 12 to be time to celebrate the New Year. Peoplewill eat

dumplings. A family gatherings. Children who will be age neutralizing le will firecrackers to greet the new year's arrival. Christmas is aWestern festival. Visit fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year!

The Spring Festival ofChina is as important as western countries' Christmas. So they are indeed somesimilarities But because of differences in culture and may aspects, there aresome differences as well. They are similar in some ways. Firstly, on bothfestivals, families usually get together and have a good time at home. Theyoften have feasts happily with the family. And they wish everyone ndly, shops, stores and supermarkets all like this period. They make bigmoney before and during the festivals. However, there are also ese parents give money to their children on the Eve, hoping they will dobetter and be healthier nxet year, while western people choose to give chilrensome unexpected presents secretly. Of couse, the decoration are different. Wecan see Christmas trees in western homes while we can enjoy"chunlian" in , in China,people visit a lot of people during the festival while westerners often chooseto stay with their families only. But anyway, during the festivals, people areall in a good mood and relax themselves.


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