My dream is to study abroad in the future. I am always that kind of life can come true soon. But, before I realize my dream, I have to do some preparation. I think the most important thing I need to do first is to adapt the life there. It is said that there is a big difference between the eastern and western culture. If I know nothing, it is easy for me to have culture conflict. It will put me into an embarrass place. For example, dragon is the leader for all animals and it has holy good meaning in china. But it means violence in the western country. I need to learn as much the cultural conflicts as possible to make my oversea life become easier.
我的梦想是以后可以去留学。我总是希望那样的生活能早日成真。但是,在实现梦想之前,我得做一些准备工作。我想我首先需要做的是适应那里的生活。据说东西 方文化是有差异的。如果我什么都不知道,很容易发生文化冲突。这会置我于一个尴尬的地方。例如,龙是在中国是万兽之王,有着无比神圣的意义。但是在西方国 家则是暴力的象征。我要尽量了解更多的文化冲突,这样我的留学生活才会变得更简单。