首页 >> 写作素材 >> 有关时间的英语谚语推荐


作者: vxnixlqo | 时间: 2021-07-28 | 投稿

1) A hero is nothing but a product of his time--时事造英雄。

2) One today is worth two tomorrows--一个今天等于两个明天。

3) Time is like the water sucked in sponge: if you squeeze, you can always get some--时间象水,只要去挤总是有的。

4) accumulate through long years--日积月累

5) at the end of one’s rope--日暮途穷

6) day and night--日日夜夜


7) fast-changing--日新月异

8) night and day; day in and day out--日以继夜

9) Every minute counts--分秒必争

10) at a critical moment--千钧一发

11) throughout the ages--千秋万代

12) once in a blue moon--千载难逢

13) year after year; from year to year--穷年累月

14) like the sun setting beyond the western hills; on the wane--日落西山

15) leap year--闰年

16) in an instant; in a twinkle--霎时间

17) the first ten days of a month--上旬

18) late at night--深更半夜

19) Time has changed--时过境迁

20) change at every moment--瞬息万变