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时间: 2021-09-08 | 投稿

You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.


A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.
今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。 《摇尾狗》

Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.
比失败更令人恐惧的是懊悔。 《天线》

No point in punching things you can't see.
打击那些你看不到的东西没有意义。 《铁拳男人》


It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you.
你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。 《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》

Men don't follow titles, they follow courage.
人们追随勇敢者,而不是位高者。 《勇敢的心》


It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices.
决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 《哈利-波特与密室》


If work has no intention, it's not work at all. It's an empty motion.
如果工作没有目标,那就不是工作,而是空洞的行为。 《刀锋》

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it s called present!
昨天已成为历史,明天是未知的,而今天是上天赐予我们的礼物,这就是为什么我们把它叫做现在! 《功夫熊猫》

Time erodes all such beauty, but what it cannot diminish is the wonderful workings of your mind. Your humor, your kindness and your moral courage.
时间可以吞噬一切,但它丝毫不能减少的是你伟大的思想,你的幽默,你的善良,还有你的勇气。 《小妇人》

Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they people become crazy,or they become legends
有些人能清楚地听到自己内心深处的声音,并以此行事。这些人要么变成了疯子,要么成为传奇。 《秋日传奇》

To be a princess, you have to believe you are one. You ve got to walk the way you think a princess would walk. Smile and wave, and just have fun.
要想成为公主,你得相信自己就是一个公主。你应该像你所想象中的公主那般为人处世。高瞻远嘱,从容不迫,笑对人生。 《公主日记》

You got a dream,you gotta protect le can t do something themselves,they wanna tell you you can t do you want something,go get it.
不要别人告诉你该做什么,有梦想,就得保护。他人做不成什么事情,就跟你说你也做不成。如果你想要什么,就要去争取。 《当幸福来敲门》

It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.
坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 《肖申克的救赎》

Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.
懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以令你感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 《肖申克的救赎》

I'm king of the world!我是世界之王!--《泰坦尼克号》

Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this.

Your story may not have a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are, it is rest of your story, who you choose to be.

When you choose to become others, you will lose yourself.

With great power, comes great responsibility.