首页 >> 英语作文 >> 野性的呼唤读后感英文


时间: 2019-12-05 | 投稿

reading The Call Of The Wild

Before being trafficked by a deceitful gardener to the extremely cold

Northland, Buck had everything that was provided by his cultured and

wealthy owner. He was more a pet than an independent creature. To some


extend, his unfortunate experience benefits him a lot because it shows what

the real face of nature looks like and where his place should be. Situations are

just the same when it comes to the teenagers nowadays.

Living under other people's will instead of their own , teenagers feel

something missing from heart at times and they either turn to virtual

world ,dreaming away their time, or they are driven by the eagerness for

profit and fame, always in a rush. To fill the emptiness, what we actually

need is a desire for life. But If we haven't struggled against unfair fate as

Buck did, how will we value what we possess at present? If we don't get in

close contact with nature as our ancestors did, how can we understand the

deep meaning conveyed by those classical literary works? That is where

teenager's trouble lies .And Buck showed us a great method.

After a seemingly tough struggle, Buck managed to survive the bloody


fight against wolves and return to embrace nature with complete freedom he

won from the war. With his sense sharpened, Buck experienced more, and

learned something else about nature’s way.

As a matter of fact, for animals, it's quite easy to make the change. For

us human beings, although we are far more intelligent than any dog , it is

also far more difficult for us to achieve self awakening as a consequence of

internal and external obstacles. Now that we can not break away from society,

absolute freedom keeps a distant dream. Now we are far from nature and

have only limited freedom both physically and mentally. For one thing, we are

losing wild nature. Unlike Buck, we are no longer able to run and jump as we

wish .Both our senses and skills are declining, which holds us from scrabbling

for the amazing beauty of nature. For another, we are abusing violence as

well as suffering from it at the same time. We force people to accept our own

conceptions unconsciously even though they are unwilling to. We set every

potential enemy up whole day and all night while in nature, even wolf and


deer live in peace most of the time.

But one thing is for sure .That is, whichever means we take, we will

eventually find out what our natural state of mind is and have a good balance

between humanity and wild nature. Then, we will be guaranteed much bigger

happiness than Buck was.