首页 >> 英语作文 >> my last vacation(我得最后一个假期)
my last vacation(我得最后一个假期)
My last vacation l was so happy.because
l went to my grandmother\'s home. there isso
beautful! l love there!
In the morning l got upat 7:40.thenmy
grandmother cooked delicious food for me. l
enjoyedit very muchthen l carefuly
did my homework.
In the roon . l sleptwithmygrandmother
she tall me afunny story. after slepp
my grandmother cooked pizzas for me .her
cook\'spizza is very delicious.
After supper my grndmother whth me
caught butterflies. we are fun.
It\'s getting dark. we back home wachted
TV andlmake a telphone call tomy mother .
then l went to sleep.
l think my lastvacationis so happy
and interesting.
l never forget my lastvacation!