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时间: 2020-02-26 | 投稿


SunnyWe went to school and picked up the performance result (report), the second classroom excellent student, instrumental music match Successful Participant and of this semester today。 My Mathmatics got full point, plus 10 point extra credit, my English got 97 point, Chinese got 82 point, plus 8 more point。 Moreover, i have got three excellence prize- excellent student on No。second class, The third place of Instrument competition, "Kindness"。 Although i have not got "first place of the class"and” merit student”, i will work harder in year of 2009。2009年1月14日 晴今天我们去学校领报告单了,我数学考了100还加10;我英语考了97;但是,我语文只考了82还加8。不过我还拿到了三张奖状呢!——“第二课堂优秀学员”、“乐器比赛三等奖”还有“爱心奖”呢!虽然今年没有被评为“三好学生”,不过我明年会更努力的!Jan 15th, 2009 SunnyToday is the first day of winner break。 Mam said that i have to get up on the bed before 9:00 am everyday, moreover, i can play on the computer only after i finish my homework。 Whoops, Obedience is better than politeness。 2009年1月15日 晴 今天是寒假的第一天,妈妈说每天九点之前就必须起床。而且每天都要写完作业才能玩电脑。哎呦!我只好恭敬不如从命啦!Jan。 16th, 2009I have nothing to day and then invite my grandma and sister go to park nearby my home。 There are a lot of people, my sister and i had played on the slide and swing until evening。 we went home happily2009年1月16日 晴今天下午,我闲着没事干,就邀请外婆和妹妹去我家附近的小公园玩。真是人山人海!我以讯雷不及掩耳之势,很快和妹妹一起占下了滑梯、秋千。傍晚,彩霞染红了天空。我们就怀着快乐的心情,回家了。 Jan。 20th, 2009 SunnyMrs。 Han has taught us 48 phonic tone on the English Class of today。 I am so tired of learning them。 Some of them is English letter, some of them look and sound very strange。 I must learn well phonic tone in order to unerstand unknown words。2009年1月17日今天的英语课上,韩老师把48个音标全都教完。真是累死我们了!音标有的就是英文字母,有的却是奇形怪状!我一定要好好的运用音标,来解决不会的单词。