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作者: ascw | 时间: 2019-04-24 | 投稿

once upon a time there was a young girl named cinderella who woke up one morning and thought, this village is boring. i have an idea, she thought. i know how i can make changes in this village. i'll run for office. and since the incumbent is a lame duck which is, of course, an elected official who has no reason to do the current job well because he or she isn't planning on being re-elected. exactly. and since the incumbent is a lame duck, i'll be a shoe-in, she thought. and a shoe-in is a person who has a sure chance of being chosen. well, suddenly a voice from behind her said, not so fast, sweetie. who are you? cinderella asked. i'm your fairy godmother, but as of today i'm throwing my hat in the ring. and that, of course, means to compete also. 'ha,’ said cinderella. i'll win by a landslide, which means i will win easily and quickly.
