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My Love英语作文

时间: 2019-09-11 | 投稿


It is said that beauty is not the thing thae life lacks , but discovery 。 I think it is true 。My experience have made me understand this sentence better。

On one cold night in February, I was on my way home from my gandmother`s。The road was very quiet because it was already about 9 o`clock。Suddenly my bike broke down and it could not move any more 。 I became worried at once 。 It was dark and late and my mother was waiting for me at home 。 If I got home late ,she would worry a lot about me 。I looked around anxiously in the hope of discovering a bike-repair store。Luckily, by the dim street lights ,I found a bike-repair store sign and a small house beside it and it was not far from me 。 So I moved my bike to this house 。 But, it had been closed 。 what should I do now?I could not find another bike-repair store and my house was so far away that I could not go home an foot 。

I knocked at the door ,to my surprise,an old man asked with a yawn “Who is it?” “It is me ,astudent, 。My bike was broke , so could you please help me repair it……”I answered politely in a hurry , because I was afraid of being refused。 “ All right 。 Just a moment, please” he said 。Quickly, he brought out the tools and checked my bike carefully。Within 15 munites , he found the problem

and mended it。

When I saw his hands that had become dark red from freezing, my heart was filled with appreciation and warmth 。 I gave him ten yuan,but he just took two yuan as the charge。。 “ You are a student , and it was too late, so you must go home soon ,or your parents will be worried about you……”he said with mercy。

I rode the bike in the dark street ,but I did not feel cold any more。 Until now , I still remember that kind old man and the warmth in my heart。If I show other the same kindness , can I also warm other`s hearts? The answer was positive , I think。