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关于The power of love英语精选范文

作者: xzwlzy | 时间: 2019-03-18 | 投稿



As an xampl of th powr of lov, w should rmmbr how th Chins popl of all nationalitis rspond to th call to hlp th victims of natural disastrs vry yar. Although thir incoms ar still low by intrnational standards, popl all ovr th country do not hsitat to donat whatvr thy can ― b it mony or goods ― to hlp thir ndy fllow citizns. Morovr, thy do this with no thought of gain for thmslvs..  In my opinion, th bst way to show lov is to hlp popl who ar mor unfortunat than w ar..zwn8.com W should always b rady to giv a hlping hand to thos who ar in troubl, no mattr whthr thy ar family mmbrs or complt strangrs. In this way, w can hlp to mak th world a bttr plac, for th darkr th shadows of sorrow bcom, th mor brightly th lamp of lov shins.