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作者: fanduck | 时间: 2019-07-30 | 投稿

Having long been living in this alley I know almost everyone here. It is however the housewives that I usually see in the daytime the rest being either out working as family providers or away in school. All these housewives are kind and considerate.



My mother for example takes care of my sister\'s daughter even though she herself is busy with housekeepingyet if she finds it necessary to go out shopping she need not worry because there is always someone in the neighborhood coming over of her own will to help with our household chores. When suppertime is over these housewives also like to gather at a certain place for a friendly chat about the daily goings-on in the alley or other things. They are also security-conscious trying to keep each other out of harm\'s way. I is thanks to such mutual help and precaution against harm that we in the alley have lived so happy and so undisturbed a life.