Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job and this phenomenon arouses heated discussion in society. For my part, like a coin which has two sides, taking a part-time job has both its favorable and unfavorable aspects.
Firstly, taking a part-time job benefits students in two reasons. It enriches our skills as well as our pocket. Complaints about lack of practical skills are constantly heard from the society towards fresh graduates. And the best way to fill up the blank is to have a part-time job during school life. Students can enhance their skills by taking part-time job which is related to their major course. Moreover, students learn how to behave in an adults’ world, thus making them more sociable and mature. All these can not be learnt in textbook. Secondly, the direct benefit is gaining money, by which students can lower the financial burdens from their parents.
However, like a coin which has two sides, taking a part-time job also has its disadvantages. Taking a part-time job occupies students’ study time. Too many jobs may influence students’ academic behavior, thus the game isn’t worth the candle.
Last but not least, I believe that if student can have a good balance between part-time job and study. And the result should be satisfying.
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