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作者: erike | 时间: 2019-02-27 | 投稿



June lth Sunda Fine

Liu ing is best friend. She has been iii fr three das. In the afternn, I went t see her. She tld e she was sent t the hspital b her parents this rning. The dctr led her ver'carefull, gave her se edicine and ased her t sta in bed fr a few das. She thught she wuldn't g t schl until next wee. I ased her t have a gd rest at he and nt t wrr abut her lessns. I wuld help her with her lessns.


She led uch better after hearing that.

6月1日 星期日 晴




June lth Sunda Fine

This afternn I went t see friend Liu ing. She has been ill fr three das and this rning she felt even wrse, s her father t her t the hspital. The dctr exained her carefull and said it was nthing serius. She gt a cn cld,but she had better sta in bed fr tw r three das. After taing se edicine she felt uch better.

Liu ing led still wrried. She was afraid f issing her lessns. I tld her nt t wrr. I culd help her with her lessns.I hpe she will be all right and eep up with thers.

6月1日 星期日 晴

