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时间: 2019-02-27 | 投稿


Nowadays, the society is well developed. More and more colledge students live cmfortable life on campus. They just go to the classrooms in the morning and have nothing to do in the afternoon. Most of the gentlemans spend their valuable time on those so-called interesting on-line games. And young ladies mke up their beautiful faces and think of the evening date happily all day long.

Why not read more famous books?

We, human beings, are the ruler of this planet who are with high IQ and high EQ. We need to think all the time. We need to solve problems with our knowledge and expeirence. How can we get the knowledge and expeirence? Just through reading more books and practising more facts. Mainly, for the colldge students, what they can do is just to read more books, especially more good famous books. Because they have limited social expeirence and living space. They get knowledge from lessons and lectures. So in thier spare time, reading more famous book is a good choice for them to strenthen theirselves.

As an old Chinese saying goes, "A man can find golden house from books, and a man can also find his beautiful wife from books." Come on! Books can bring you a much happier life. Famous books can bring you the happiest life! Why not read more famous books?





我们人类,是这个星球的统治者与高智商和高情商。我们需要考虑所有的时间。我们需要与我们的知识和expeirence解决问题。我们如何获得知识和expeirence ?只有通过阅读更多的书和练习更多的事实。主要为colldge学生,他们所能做的就是读更多的书,特别是更多的好著名的书籍。因为他们有有限的社会expeirence和生活空间。他们获得知识课程和讲座。所以在他们的业余时间,阅读更多的著名的书是一个很好的选择加强过问。


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