2010World Expo will be held in Shanghai in China, this is the first timethat China hosted the World Expo. The theme of the Expo is "BetterCity, Better Life" (Better City, Better Life)。
Organizers expected toattract 70 million visitors from around the world to attend, at thesame time it is also the largest in the history of World Expo.
Theemblem of the Expo with the main colors of green, expressing theChinese people for the future, the pursuit of sustainable developmentand create passion.
2010年世界博览会将会在我国上海举行,这是第一次由我国举办的世界博览会。这次博览会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, BetterLife)。
此次博览会的会徽以绿色为主色调,抒 发了中国人民面向未来,追求可持续发展的创造激情。
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