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时间: 2019-06-13 | 投稿

At present, the behaviors of stealing personal information through the network are not surprising any more. Because computers can gather and sort vast amounts of data, and the Internet can distribute them globally, the concerns about privacy online are magnified.


Online users may get "illegal invasion"----passwords or bank accounts stolen, e-mail or telephone number let out---if they do not watch out. Most of the risks come along when they provide personal information to hunt a job or surf the net in public places. But risks also exist even if they are using their own computer at their own home.



Here are some tips to help protect individually identifiable information in an online environment. First, make sure that the online forms are secure. Carefully read the privacy statements on web sites if there are. Secondly, encrypt the e-mail, or get a separate account for personal e-mail. Thirdly, use anonymizers while browsing and clear the memory cache after browsing. Remember to reject unnecessary cookies and think twice about disclosing any personal information. It is easy to give away too much personal information online without really meaning to, so the best policy is to be cautious.


在线用户可能会“非法入侵”——密码或银行账户被盗,电子邮件或电话号码让- - -如果他们不小心。大部分的风险出现时提供的个人信息搜寻工作或在公共场所上网。但也存在风险,即使他们使用自己的电脑在自己的家里。


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