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Bloody friend ship(血腥的友谊)英语作文
Chapter 18 He turned around to hide a nervous gaze. Then took a bite of his doughnut as if nothing happened. “What…what did you just say? One of what?” “I mean… I am one of… those vampire…” Andy noticed the astonished look on my face“slayers.” He finally managed to finish his snatchy sentence. “Oh.” I let out a long sigh. “You scared me to death. Well tell me about your career as a vampire slayer.” “Ummm…” He began “I am intending to kill some vampires but so far I haven’t succeeded. But I have the ability to distinguish between a vampire and a human.” “Tell me about it.” “Well vampires can’t see themselves in a mirror and they are scared of the sunlight garlic and crosses.” “But that’s the most common fact everyone who has read ‘Dracula’ knows that.” I know very well he is only pretending maybe to keep me interested. “You’re lying aren’t you?” “Lying is such a strong word you see” He explained taking another bite. “I’ve always wanted to be one and I guess I was just showing off. But it’s true that Victor I mean Vanchis is a vampire. I cross my heart and swear with my soul.” Like I was going to fall for that. No way is Victor or what ever you call Vanchis a vampire I can totally see him in a mirror and of course he can survive the sunlight. But I forgot something half-vampires like one of their parent is a vampire such things do exist. As far as I know half vampires can act on the side they want to be. But still no way is Victor a half vampire he is weird alright but he just doesn’t seem like one. I mustn’t pay too much attention on Andy nor the business about Victor he’s such a weirdo. The main thing now is to think of a way to get back to Katlin and Todd. They’ll have to pay the price for breaking Helen’s heart. One must suffer such sacrifices to be evil. What can I do? I must get the help of someone. Andy won’t help I am sure. But who else do I have? Ok let’s put this away and think about whether if I should tell Helen. If it’s not too late. Uh-Oh maybe it is too late. I caught Helen walking down the lobby with pale face and blurry eyes. Gosh she must have found out. I rushed to her at once. “Helen? Are you alright? Because if anything happens I mean anything I’m always here for you ok?” Helen raised her head with tears in her eyes. “Oh it’s nothing it’s just…” I took her by the hand and sat on one of the couch. “I understand believe me I totally do. Come on; forget about it you’ll get over it soon.” “You do?” she asked in wide eyes. “Yeah” I replied. “I sort of knew these things would happen.” Somehow I felt a stream of guilt for not telling her earlier. But it was for her good she’ll understand. Just then Victor’s tall handsome figure appeared in the hall way. He came by and sat next to us. I decided to leave maybe he could cure her. I never knew I was about to make the biggest mistake in my life.