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the first time作文带中文翻译

作者: angel_88 | 时间: 2019-06-14 | 投稿

It's the first time that I use the blog to write diaries.You may ask me why I 'd like to write in English,well,the answer is easy, I just want to improve my writting English.

But I haven't become used to this blog.For I used to write in QQ Zone. I think it's more beautiful than the one,however,not very easy. In other words,it seems a little difficult and the speed is usually too slow.So I decide to choose a faster one.And it looks perfect!


My blog's website has been used by other people。I feel like write large mumbers of fascinating diaries,then share them with my classmates, friends,as well as strangers online.

If so, that's cool!





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